More Information On

Taking Your Theory Test

Booking Your Test

The three nearest centres for taking your theory test are in Ilford, Harlow and Southgate. There is also a test centre near London Bridge station which might prove more convenient for people working up town. You can look up full address details including maps and book a test on the DSA web site


The Highway code is not a riveting read so the best way to tackle it is a few pages at a time each day. Try and get someone to test you, particularly on signs, as this will help reinforce the information.

There are numerous free quizzes and hazard perception clips on-line so try these before going out and buying books and software.

And while you are taking your driving lessons or are in a car with another driver, if you see something you don't understand then ask.

Taking Your Theory Test

You need to take both parts of your provisional license with you to the test centre. We would recommend digging them out a day or two before hand and putting them somewhere obvious as running around trying to find them 5 minutes before you need to leave will not help you arrive in the right frame of mind.

The examiners are very strict on tests starting on time: if you arrive late, even by a couple of minutes, you will not be allowed to sit the test and you will lose your fee. We would therefore recommend allowing plenty of time for travelling to (and finding) the centre - better to get there early and then have to kill some time having a coffee

Finally, try and relax during the test. If there is a question that you don't know the answer to, take an educated guess and move on rather than spending time pondering over it as you will be using up time that you could be spending on questions that you do know the answer to.